Dyspraxia: Defining, Assessing and Intervening for Change

When: December 5, 6, and 7, 2024 (In Person)

Location: Manila, Philippines



Why do a certificate workshop in Praxis/Dyspraxia? Because you want to be a leader in your field in understanding development and what to do about it! This workshop will teach you what dyspraxia is, how to define its different subsections and show you how and what to assess so you can plan targeted intervention. This workshop has been updated and re-organized to include the most recent science- and evidenced-based practice including multiple videos showing intervention and assessment. 

This 3-day certificate course will include the theory of different sub-categories of Dyspraxia and explain the background in the nervous system. Multiple techniques and interventions will be shared to plan intervention. The third day will cover in-depth information on assessment and clinical observations following the three-phase system of Maude’s own Developmental Pathways Model (DPM). This is a workshop not to be missed for anyone working in pediatrics, schools, and early learning environments. Discover how Dyspraxia influences learning, attention, and executive functioning.

Contact: [email protected]




Day 1: December 5

8:30-9:00am   Registration
9:00-10:30am   Definitions of Praxis and Dyspraxia
10:30-11:00am   Morning Break
11:00-12:00pm   Somatodyspraxia
12:00-1:00pm   Lunch
1:00-2:00pm   Bilateral Integration, Sequencing and Timing Dyspraxia
2:00-2:45pm   Influence of the Visual System on Dyspraxia
2:45-3:00pm   Afternoon Break
3:00-4:00pm   Case Study

Day 2: December 6

9:00-10:30pm   Influence of the Auditory System on Dyspraxia
10:30-11:00pm   Morning Break
11:00-12:00pm   Interoception – and Modulation
12:00-1:00pm   Lunch
1:00-2:45pm   Verbal Apraxia
2:45-3:00pm   Afternoon Break
3:00-4:00pm   Principles of Assessment

Day 3: December 7

9:00-10:30am   Phase 1: Foundation Assessment
10:30-11:00am   Morning Break
11:00-12:00pm   Phase 2: Organization Assessment
12:00-1:00pm   Lunch
1:00-2:30pm   Phase 2: Organization Assessment
2:30-2:45   Afternoon Break
2:45-4:00   Phase 3: Executive Functioning Assessment

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define at least 3 different subcategories of Dyspraxia and components thereof 
  2. Consider the impact of 8 sensory systems in the development of praxis skill 
  3. List at least 20 intervention techniques for each subsection supporting development in Dyspraxia 
  4. Consider the impact of Dyspraxia on developing learning, reading and writing skill 
  5. Apply 3 phases of assessment to evaluate the developmental trajectory in Dyspraxia


Maude Le Roux, OTR/L is an international speaker considering a wide array of topics pertaining development in children. She has been a regular speaker at global events since 2007. Even as she travels and trains extensively, she continues to operate a pediatric practice in Glen Mills, PA. Maude designs her own courses, as well as trains for other organizations such as ICDL (DIR/Floortime) globally. She serves on the Board for ATTACh to develop the consideration of attachment and trauma in the work of occupational therapists. Maude “re-energizes” as she teaches and inspires her listeners to feel the importance of the work they do. She co-authored a book, “Our Greatest Allies” with Lauren O’Malley, available on Amazon.com. Maude opened her own online academy (www.maudeleroux.com) in January 2019 to increase accessibility of practical “know-how” based on scientific theory for therapists, teachers, and parents. Her mantra: ‘If a child could, he / she would!”

Target Audience: Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Educators

Educational Level: Intermediary

Number of Participants: Unlimited

Instructional Methods: PowerPoint, Group Discussion, Video

Contact Hours: 18 hours

Questions? Contact: [email protected]